TORONTO – It happens every weekend: also today the number of infected patients in Ontario hospitals dropped. From 670 patients last Thursday to 419 today, the lowest level recorded in five months. The last time that the hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 had dropped to such a low level was on 26 December 2021, when they were 373. →
TORONTO – Segnali positivi dal fronte del coronavirus: il numero di pazienti infetti da Covid-19 ricoverati nelle terapie intensive dell’Ontario è sceso ieri a 119, il livello più basso registrato dalla scorsa estate. L’ultima volta che le ospedalizzazioni in ICU erano state così basse risale al 16 agosto del 2021, quando era stato registrato lo stesso numero di pazienti…
TORONTO – Positive signs from the coronavirus front: the number of Covid-19 infected patients admitted to the Ontario intensive care units dropped to 119 today, the lowest level recorded since last summer. The last time ICU hospitalizations had been this low was on August 16, 2021, when the same number of patients was registered. →
TORONTO – Altri 24 decessi correlati al Covid-19, ieri, in Ontario: nonostante le rassicurazioni degli esperti che parlano di discesa della curva, diminuzione dei ricoveri e dei contagi, miglioramento della saituazione, il virus continua a miete vittime, siano esse morte con il Covid (e quindi per altre patologie, ma con il virus a dare il colpo di grazia) o per il Covid. Il tragico bilancio della pandemia in Ontario sale così 13.265…
TORONTO – Another 24 deaths related to Covid-19, today, in Ontario: despite the reassurances of the experts who speak of a descent of the curve, a decrease in hospitalizations and infections, an improvement in the situation, the virus continues to claim victims, whether they died with Covid (and therefore for other pathologies, but with the virus giving the “coup de grace”) or due to Covid. The tragic toll of the pandemic in Ontario thus rises to 13,265. →