Category: Health & Medicine

CORRIERE CANADESE / Il “colpo di genio” nelle esperienze di Gianluigi Bisleri e Terry Peters

TORONTO – Per raggiungere livelli di assoluta eccellenza, in ogni campo, servono anni di studio e pratica, abnegazione e spirito di sacrifici, professionalità e serietà. Ma non bastano. C’è un altro “ingrediente”, fondamentale: il genio. Quella “marcia in più” che ti fa fare cose che non tutti fanno. Che ti fa osare senza rischiare, perché sai quello che fai. Che ti fa, in una parola, innovare… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

The “stroke of genius” in the experiences of Gianluigi Bisleri and Terry Peters

TORONTO – If you want to reach levels of absolute excellence, in every field, you need years of study and practice, self-sacrifice and abnegation, professionalism and  reliability. A lot of things and qualities, but they are not enough yet. There is another fundamental “ingredient”: genius. This “extra gear” makes you do things that not everyone does. It makes you dare without taking risks because you know what you’re doing. It makes you – in a word – innovate. So, it’s perfect the title of the conference “Genio Vagante (Wandering Genius) | The Culture of Innovation” which will be held on Tuesday 14 May (starting at 6.30 pm) at the Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto and will see as protagonists two professionals continuously searching for innovations in medicine, for the well-being of patients: Dr. Gianluigi Bisleri and Dr. Terry Peters.