TORONTO – Mi è capitato di passare davanti ad un televisore proprio mentre sullo schermo appariva un maestoso spettacolo di ordine e armonia. Due musicisti intenti a mostrare la loro arte e creatività con un violino e una viola, creando l’atmosfera nella restaurata Cattedrale di Notre Dame a Parigi. La musica, l’ambientazione e l’attenzione del pubblico erano ipnotizzanti…
TORONTO – Nicknamed “Picchio” as a little boy by his father, Actor Pierfrancesco Favino was so enamoured with the moniker that he attempted to launch his career substituting it for his first name. Not surprisingly, he walked that idea back fairly quickly given how odd “Woodpecker” would have sounded being called out at auditions. Not the brightest idea for a stage name, nor entirely marketable. But why the nickname? He was vociferous as a child, given to fits and rages while often stomping on floors and banging walls – hence Picchio. But what his father might have shrugged off as childish petulance, revealed itself as steely determination and grit in his adulthood.
TORONTO – I happened to pass by a TV just as a majestic display of order and harmony appeared on the screen. Two musicians, displaying their art and creativity with a violin and viola setting the mood in the restored Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. The music, the setting and the attention by the audience was mesmerizing.
VATICAN CITY – In the tenth Consistory of the pontificate of Pope Francis which took place on Saturday in the Vatican basilica, packed with 5,500 faithful, 21 new Cardinals were created, coming from every corner of the world: from Algeria to Iran, from Ukraine to Chile and to Brazil, from Argentina to Japan, passing through Rome, Naples and Turin, the faithful from all five continents gathered in the Vatican to pay homage to the “their” new porporati (“dressed in purple”, from the colour of their robe). →
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – C’è il presepe nipponico, fatto con la carta giapponese, i kimono di seta e le stuoie di tatami. E poi quello brasiliano, realizzato con le fibre di cocco e di banana. Ma anche quello napoletano, in legno e corteccia. Si preannuncia particolarmente originale la settima edizione dell’Esposizione Internazionale “100 Presepi in Vaticano”, una mostra che raccoglie opere realizzate da artisti di tutto il mondo, che hanno espresso la propria creatività nella rappresentazione delle scene della Natività…