TORONTO – L’economia canadese tornerà a crescere, mentre i tassi d’interesse sono destinati a calare nel 2025. È quanto prevede un rapporto di Deloitte Canada che mette in luce come il prossimo anno quasi tutti i comparti della nostra economia registreranno una crescita, mettendosi alle spalle le difficoltà registrate negli ultimi due anni…
TORONTO – Non sono tesserato a nessun partito politico, anche se non è sempre stato così. Detto questo, ammetto di essere rimasto incuriosito da una proposta, un’iniziativa, un piano “apparentemente inaspettato”… il lettore può riempire il vuoto… del Premier dell’Ontario, Doug Ford…
TORONTO – I am not a card-carrying member of any political party, although that was not always the case. Having said that, I admit to being intrigued by a “seemingly out of the blue” proposal, initiative, plan…the reader can fill in the blank… by Ontario’s Premier, Doug Ford. To my mind, he set the agenda for political debate (cause and consequence; need versus desirability, etc.) by proposing a feasibility study for the construction of an east-west highway under the existing Highway 401that connects Brampton to the Metro Zoo – an approximately 60-kilometre stretch through the geographic middle of the GTA.
TORONTO – Italians have spearheaded invention for centuries if not millennia, grouping in of course the exploits of their Roman ancestry. From musical instruments – the piano, violin and cello – to technological devices like the radio, telephone and microchip, their contributions are not only numerous but meaningful, advancing the trajectory of human achievement in multiple fields. In no other domain however have Italians endowed the world with more ingenuity and imagination than in the realm of art – across several disciplines.
TORONTO – Canada’s population growth slowed slightly in the final quarter of the year, the first time since 2020, when the number of people entering the country nearly stopped, as Canada closed its borders due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The slowdown in growth, reported on Wednesday by Statistics Canada, is due to the recent crackdown on immigration by the federal government (which has progressively reduced the number of international students and the number of temporary foreign workers due to the “housing crisis”) and, at the same time, to the further decline in births. Two factors which, when combined, become “explosive” (in a negative sense), given that international migration almost entirely represents the increase in the Canadian population. →