EDMONTON – Si può fare affidamento sulle energie rinnovabili quando le temperature scendono così tanto? No, secondo la premier dell’Alberta, Danielle Smith…
EDMONTON – Can you rely on renewable energy when temperatures drop this much? No, according to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. “Right now, wind is generating almost no power. When renewables are unreliable, as they are now, natural gas plants must increase capacity to keep Albertans safe,” she wrote on Friday on social media after the Province’s grid operator launched an appeal to consumers inviting them to save electricity to protect the system. →
TORONTO – Myles Sanderson, presunto responsabile assieme al fratello Damien della strage nella James Smith Cree Nation del Saskatchewan, il motivo della sua furia omicida, l’ha portato con sé nella tomba… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Myles Sanderson, allegedly responsible along with his brother Damien for the massacre in the James Smith Cree Nation of Saskatchewan, the reason for his murderous rampage, took him with him to the grave.
TORONTO – Dolore e polemiche dopo il massacro di 10 persone e il ferimento di altre 19 a coltellate in Saskatchewan… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>