Category: Science

CORRIERE CANADESE / Ricercatori italiani da ogni angolo del mondo alla conferenza di Vancouver con TSIC e UCW

VANCOUVER – Dall’Australia al Messico, passando dal Giappone per arrivare fino in Europa: si sono collegati da ogni angolo del mondo i ricercatori italiani che hanno partecipato, sabato, alla XVIII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World organizzata dalla Texas Scientific Italian Community con la University Canada West… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Indi Gregory: for the Brits she must die, Italy tries to save her

ROME – The Brits had “sentenced her to death”, the Italians have saved her or, at least, want to try: Italian citizenship has been conferred on Indi Gregory, the 8-month-old English baby seriously ill with an incurable mitochondrial disease, whose parents only a few days ago the High Court of London had denied the possibility of moving to Italy to continue to keep her alive through the support of machines. Now, thanks to the decision of the Italian Council of Ministers, the little girl will be able to be admitted to the “Bambino Gesù” hospital in Rome, as the child’s (English) parents had requested. 

Our future depends on Antarctica: from tomorrow an exhibition-manifesto in Toronto

TORONTO – An exhibition to highlight as much as possible the fundamental role of Antarctica, a continent that is never talked about but on which the future of humanity could depend, given that it conceals mineral resources that might prove irresistible in a world with ever-increasing population growth and also scientific data crucial to inform future environmental policies.