TORONTO – Il governo federale e quello dell’Ontario stanno investendo insieme oltre 1 miliardo di dollari per aiutare Stellantis a riorganizzare i suoi stabilimenti automobilistici canadesi per produrre veicoli elettrici. Il Canada stanzierà esattamente 529 milioni di dollari e l’Ontario 513 milioni di dollari…
TORONTO – Il mondo della comunicazione è in continua evoluzione. Oltre 3,6 miliardi di persone in tutto il mondo utilizzano i social media per rimanere in contatto, condividere contenuti e tenersi informati…
Over the years, it has become easier for people to create and share content online. On February 2, the Federal Government introduced the Online Streaming Act (OSA), Bill C-11. The proposed legislation aims to modernize the Broadcasting Act which has changed little since 1991, before the internet became more accessible to people worldwide.
(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) বিশ্বের সেরা নতুন ভবন’ হিসেবে রয়েল ইনস্টিটিউট অব ব্রিটিশ আর্কিটেক্টস (রিবা) আন্তর্জাতিক পুরস্কার পেলো বাংলাদেশের সাতক্ষীরার শ্যামনগর উপজেলার ফ্রেন্ডশিপ হাসপাতাল। মঙ্গলবার এ পুরস্কার ঘোষণা করা হয়েছে বলে জানিয়েছে বিবিসি। … Read More in Shomporko >>>
The Toronto skyline is rapidly changing. Mass timber structures are springing up among the concrete and steel jungle. The newest addition to Toronto’s waterfront is underway at George Brown College, the site of Ontario’s tallest mass timber structure.