Category: Toronto

CORRIERE CANADESE / Affitti pazzi, le giovani coppie rinunciano ad avere figli

TORONTO – La testimonianza di Anna Smith, scelta dalla giornalista Natalie Stechyson della CBC per il suo articolo uscito ieri, riassume perfettamente la situazione delle giovani coppie canadesi che vivono a Toronto: lei ha 27 anni e vive con il suo compagno in un appartamento di 500 piedi quadrati (cioè meno di 50 metri quadrati) nella zona est di Toronto per 1.550 dollari mensili… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Crazy rents in Toronto, young couples give up having children

TORONTO – The testimony of Anna Smith, chosen by journalist Natalie Stechyson of the CBC for her article published today, perfectly summarizes the situation of young Canadian couples living in Toronto: she is 27 years old and shew lives with her partner in a 500-square-metre apartment square feet (i.e. less than 50 square meters) in east Toronto for $1,550 per month. A theft, for a “hole” like that. And it is a condition that is common to many Canadians aged between 20 and 30, for whom it is already difficult to make ends meet: let alone if they had a child… and so Anna, like many other girls, delays maternity leave for two years now. A decision that she herself describes as “just heartbreaking”.