Category: Toronto

CORRIERE CANADESE / Violento scontro tra auto e bus, nove feriti

TORONTO – Nove persone sono rimaste ferite – due in modo molto grave – dopo uno scontro tra un autobus del Ttc e una Bmw rubata. È accaduto ieri verso l’1:50 di notte vicino a Bathurst Street e Wilson Avenue a North York. “Due veicoli, una BMW X6 bianca e un suv nero, viaggiavano a velocità molto elevata in direzione ovest su Wilson Ave. – ha affermato l’agente Brian Maslowski – mentre si avvicinavano all’incrocio di Bathurst Street, il SUV è riuscito a passare, ma la BMW si è scontrata con il lato del conducente di un autobus del Ttc che viaggiava verso sud”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

That infamous 1.2% … The Revolution of the Saints

TORONTO – “…was a text on my reading list in my last year at University. It is a study, of the radical political response of the Puritans to disorder in the 18th century, as a first and unremitting determination to transform on the basis of an ideology the existing political and moral order. The religious zealots (the Orange Order and the Family Compact still operating in post-war Toronto) it spawned have not disappeared But this is not about them …entirely.”

(“The revolution of the saints. A study in the origins of radical politics” by Michael Walzer, 1965)

While cynical American politicos reduce all debates to their succinct basic arguments: “do we have a dog in the fight”; more politely put, which interests are we defending and how will they nurture our purposes and improve our [economic] goals.