Ethnic newspapers in the spotlight at CNE with NEPMCC

TORONTO – National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) inaugurated, today, its space at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). At the stand, you can find all the main ethnic newspapers currently present on the Canadian publishing scene, in many different languages.

In the afternoon, the ribbon cutting at the stand with the Honorable Joe Volpe, Publisher of the Italian daily newspaper Corriere Canadese, the President of the NEPMCC, Tom Saras, the representatives of many ethnic newspapers and journalists from different communities in Toronto and all around the GTA.

The presence of the ethnic press at the Canadian National Exhibition has now become a fixed event and represents an important opportunity for “ethnic” publishers who can thus present their publications to the various interested communities.

The participation of NEPMCC is also important to keep attention alive on the many problems that afflict the printed media today, in particular community newspapers.

In the pics below, some moments of the inauguration of the NEPMCC stand (photo: Corriere Canadese)