In Mississauga and Brampton, you’ll get vaccinated even in the middle of the night!
Vaccination marathon in the Peel Region

All adults are now able to make appointments and get vaccinated in the Peel region.
Today the region announced that it will be offering additional thousands of vaccinations available for overnight visits over the coming weekend, as part of a wider effort to enable vaccinations for shift workers who have otherwise struggled to get vaccinated.
A clinic called “Doses After Dark” will open at the Mississauga International Center, on Saturday at 10:30 am and will close on Sunday at 20:30 pm.
According to the regional authorities, the clinic will have over 7,600 doses of the vaccine available, of which more than 5,000 will be set aside during the night hours.
By opening an overnight clinic, the authorities will take particular care of the part of their community that works shifts and has had difficulties receiving the vaccine due to their working hours.
There are many so-called “hot-spots” – places in Ontario that focus on preferential and faster access to the Covid-19 vaccine for selected groups of different communities and employees, assuming a high risk of contracting the virus.
The plan to open a nighttime vaccine clinic is part of Ontario’s “hot-spots” practice.
You can schedule an appointment for this weekend’s immunization at the Mississauga International Center from today on. Any adult resident of the Peel Region, i.e. Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon, can avail of it.
The weekend clinic will be the largest one-off project in the region so far in offering such a large number of vaccines at one time.
According to the regional plan, 75% of its adult population should be vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine by the end of this month.
The upcoming weekend will be a 32-hour vaccination marathon as part of the thought “faster” and “further”.
You can find out more and book the vaccination date here:
The Province of Ontario will also speed up the offering of the second dose of the vaccine to workers most at risk of contracting the virus this week, including hospital staff, front line staff and essential caregivers of long-term care residents.
In March of this year, the province of Ontario introduced – following a federal recommendation – second dose of the vaccine only after 16 weeks since the first dose, instead of the 21-28 days recommended by vaccine manufacturers.
Stretching time between doses was to help manage their limited supply.
At the same time in Poland, the prime minister and the minister of health recommended shortening the interval between vaccines in this country from 10-12 weeks to 4 weeks. As of this week. For everyone residing in Poland. The first dose of vaccines is available to every adult residing in Poland, regardless of nationality, in mobile spots, clinics and hospitals.
Since the European Union has been preparing for the full opening of tourist traffic from June, the government in Warsaw wants to make sure that every Polish resident will be able to receive the second dose of the vaccine before going on summer vacation.