Mission to Rome for publisher Volpe, an unanimous chorus: “Corriere Canadese is a stronghold of Italian language and culture”
ROME – Important mission to Rome for the editor of Corriere Canadese, Joe Volpe, in defense of Italian language and culture abroad and, in particular, in Canada.
This morning Hon. Volpe, together with one of his closest collaborators, Danny Montesano, met with the executives of the Italian Government’s Publishing Department at the Via della Mercede headquarters in Rome.
During a long and cordial conversation with the head of the Department, Dr. Luigi Fiorentino, and the head of the sector, Dr. Stefania Palamara, the importance of the Italian press abroad was unanimously reaffirmed, with the recognition of the value of the daily nwewspaper Corriere Canadese which represents an essential point of reference for Italians in Canada and, at the same time, an aegis for the conservation of the Italian language outside the Peninsula.
Volpe and Montesano then met the Honorable Alessandro Amorese, MP of Fratelli d’Italia and group leader of FdI in “Culture” commission in the Chamber of Deputies (in the pic above, from the left: Montesano, Amorese and Volpe in Montecitorio).
“Amorese – explains Volpe – invited us to Montecitorio to continue to develop together the issues concerning the Italian community abroad, the study and promotion of our language and our culture across the border and the role that Italians play and could play in the development of Italian spirit far away from the Belpaese”.
Hon. Amorese in turn acknowledged the importance of Corriere Canadese, underlining that “Italian-language newspapers abroad are essential both for our compatriots and for promoting the dissemination and knowledge of our language and our culture” .
“We had a long talk at Montecitorio – Hon. Amorese said after the meeting – focusing on the Canadian publishing reality and the role of ‘Corriere Canadese’ within the Italian community in Toronto. We also talked about the initiatives that they can be carried out in collaboration to further promote the Italian language and culture, also because there are cases, just like the newspaper published by Volpe, which host some articles in the double version, Italian and English. These newspapers also carry out a precious mission as ‘ ambassadors’ of our language and as such they should rightly be supported”.
On their arrival at Montecitorio, Volpe and Montesano also had a pleasant surprise: one of the two Carabinieri on duty recognized the Honorable Volpe, long-time deputy and federal minister in Canada: the Carabiniere, Paolo Internicola, was in fact born in Toronto and then emigrated to Italy where he serves in the Army.

The mission to Rome of Volpe and Montesano will continue in the coming days, with other important meetings aimed at strengthening that “bridge” between Italy and Canada, which is necessary to continue to enhance the Italian language and culture in the best possible way, distinctive features of the diaspora “tricolor” that has always represented a “second Italy”: the one of compatriots abroad.