Reports to Parliament. This world is nuts!

TORONTO – The House of Commons in the Canadian Parliament (HoC) is political theatre. Annual Reports by Government Agencies and Committees to Parliament (the HoC) represent “the facts” that flow from the theatre and “debates”. 

These give the public a fairly decent picture of what our country has become, how it functions and what policy alternatives it may be highlighting. Occasionally, they coincide with commentary on the issues of the day – intentionally or otherwise. The ensuing commentary is rarely positive or flattering for the governing Party.

Whether discussing Housing, [Un]Employment, Labour mobility, Access to Medical Services, Education or Settlement Services, matters related to Immigration take centre-stage. One should expect no less when the country is committed to bringing in more and more immigrants, with seemingly little “rhyme or reason”. Minister Miller, on taking office” was widely reported saying “it’s a mess”.

It probably is not, but dramatic language is often more useful in conveying urgency of required action than a rational narrative – assuming there is one – accompanied with facts and numbers to substantiate “purpose and program” (rhyme and reason). Nonetheless, the traditional 200,000 to 240,000 annual immigration targets of a few years ago reached 431,000 last year and are slated to go beyond 500,00 by next year.

So far, so good – as they say. We have CISIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) to make analyses and recommendations to inform Government on policy directions and consequential potential outcomes related to influx of migrants from areas outside our immediate experience.

It is not a secret that the focus of our Global policy attention (political, trade, demographic) is Pacific-oriented and diminishingly Atlantist (“European”). The pie chart on the page, and the numbers sourced from the “top ten” counties of emigration it highlights, suggests a deliberate targeting policy by the Department of Immigration. The numbers coming from India are just under 37% of the overall total, outstripping the second-place source, China, by over 30%. It is fair to ask what “vacancies” the government is trying to fill.

The CISIS Report to Parliament, 2023, is not helpful in answering security issues related to the influx of immigrant/refugees. Yet it does briefly (pages 28-33) address foreign interference and espionage from four (4) of the countries listed in the chart. The Prime Minister of India has suggested Canada may be a safe haven for individuals who foment separatism verging on “terrorism” in India.

Suffice it to say, CISIS in unwilling to inject itself in a matter now before a “Parliamentary Inquest” (the assassination of a Sikh Khalistani in British Columbia). It does not display the same reticence in identifying “the anti-gender movement [—] as a violence category […] stemming from misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, religious interpretations… or generalized fear of socio-cultural change”.

Is the next step, censure of differences of views?

(Graphic: CIC NEWS)