TORONTO – Can Force One: here is the party. On the airbus of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), used for official trips of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Governor General and other Canadian authorities (in addition to the Queen of England), wine and beer flow steady. Like a river. →
An event that may have missed the attention of many was a massive protest against restrictions last weekend in Quebec’s largest city.
According to various sources, the estimated number of people gathered in the crowd was around 100,000. →
Wydarzenie, które mogło umknąć uwadze wielu, to olbrzymi protest przeciw restrykcjom jaki odbył się w miniony weekend w największym mieście Quebecu.
Według różnych źródeł, szacowana ilość osób zgromadzonych w tłumie wyniosła ok. 100,000. →