TORONTO – Transparency finally made some headway at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). After some procedural wranglings, lasting close to two hours, the TCDSB gave Principles Integrity (Yes, it’s a real corporate name) its walking papers.
TORONTO – Nelle ultime 24 ore in Ontario non sono stati confermati nuovi decessi correlati al Covid-19 (il totale da inizio pandemia resta duqnue a 12.470), ma la provincia sta assistendo ancora una volta ad un aumento dei ricoveri, sia nei reparti ordinari che nelle terapie intensive. E il tasso di positività sale ancora, sfiorando il 20%…
TORONTO – In the last 24 hours, no new deaths related to Covid-19 have been confirmed in Ontario (the total since the beginning of the pandemic remains at 12,470), but the province is once again seeing an increase in hospitalizations, both in ordinary wards and in intensive care. And the positivity rate rises again, reaching 20%. →
TORONTO — Official Opposition NDP Leader in Ontario, Andrea Horwath, announced Tuesday her plan for a $20 minimum wage, reached within her first term through steady, stable increases. →
TORONTO — Ce mardi, la chef de l’Opposition officielle en Ontario, Andrea Horwath, a dévoilé son plan pour un salaire minimum de 20 $, à atteindre lors de son premier mandat grâce à des augmentions progressives et régulières. →