Tag: afghanistan

Afghanistan, the new Islamic government: among the ministers a ‘wanted’ from the FBI. Italy: “We will return to Kabul”

KABUL – Italy and Afghanistan: faraway, so close. After the “Taliban” opening in recent days, with the invitation of the spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid to reopen the tricolor embassy in Kabul, today the Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, declared that Italy wants to guarantee a government presence in the Islamic Emirate. “With the countries of the area and with our partners we are reflecting on the creation of a joint presence in Afghanistan with mainly consular functions and which serves as an immediate point of contact”, said Di Maio in the briefing on Afghanistan in the Parliament.

Afghanistan, the Pope: “I pray that many countries will protect those seeking a new life”


VATICAN CITY – “Help the Afghans”. The call comes from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. It was launched by Pope Francis, after the Sunday Angelus. “In these troubled times that see Afghans seeking refuge – said the Pontiff – , I pray for the most vulnerable among them. I pray that many countries will welcome and protect those seeking a new life. I pray also for the internally displaced persons and that they may receive assistance and the necessary protection. May young Afghans receive education, an essential good for human development. And may all Afghans, whether at home, in transit, or in host countries, live with dignity, in peace and fraternity with their neighbours”. 

Afghanistan, il Papa: “Prego che molti Paesi accolgano quanti cercano una nuova vita”

CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – “Aiutiamo gli Afghani”. L’appello arriva da piazza San Pietro, in Vaticano. A lanciarlo è Papa Francesco, dopo l’Angelus della domenica. “In questi momenti concitati che vedono gli afghani cercare rifugio, prego per i più vulnerabili tra loro. Prego – ha detto il Pontefice – che molti Paesi accolgano e proteggano quanti cercano una nuova vita. Prego anche per gli sfollati interni, affinché abbiano l’assistenza e la protezione necessarie. Possano i giovani afghani ricevere l’istruzione, bene essenziale per lo sviluppo umano. E possano tutti gli afghani, sia in patria, sia in transito, sia nei Paesi di accoglienza, vivere con dignità, in pace e fraternità coi loro vicini”.

More than 3,000 evacuees arrived now in Canada from Afghanistan

OTTAWA – Canada evacuated over 3,700 people from Afghanistan: more than 3,000 evacuees have now arrived in Canada, which includes more than 900 passengers who arrived on four flights since Sunday, August 29. “We expect more to arrive here in the near future”, said today Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, and Marc Garneau, Minister of Foreign Affairs.