Tag: age

Mask Mandate While Waiting for Children Age 5 to 11 to Get Vaccinated

TORONTO – Last week, I passed the play yard of an elementary school and saw children, presumably aged five and six, enjoying the pleasant morning’s tail of summer weather, running and playing games they concocted or just enjoying each other’s company. It felt good seeing kids back to school for in-person learning. But, I must admit, it also felt bad to see them all masked up. 

Vancouver: un viaggio di scoperta e compassione in “Age of Innocence” di David C. Bellusci

(Fatti Nostri / Anna Foschi) L’ultima raccolta di poesie di David C. Bellusci accompagna il lettore attraverso la  profondità di un viaggio metafisico che comprende fasi della esistenza e della consapevolezza. Age of Innocence (Resource Publications, 2020) è composto da cinque segmenti, ognuno dei quali esplora da prospettive diverse un’ampia gamma di sentimenti umani, le differenze storico-culturali e il potere salvifico della natura… Read More in Fatti Nostri >>> 

Cartoonist Pettinato passes away at age 44

Article by Alessio Aletta — Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

Cartoonist Andrea Paggiaro, better known as ‘Tuono Pettinato’ (the bizarre name of art is taken from a story by Borges), born in Pisa in 1976, died on Monday; next July he would have turned only 45 years old.

At What Age Would You be Retiring?

Filipino elderly celebrating her 80th birthday in the Philippines.
The author Sara Gruen in “Water for Elephants” wrote, “Keeping up the appearance of having your marbles is hard work, but important”.
Whoever coined the phrase “Aging is a gift” may still have all his marbles, so to speak, but any elderly, junior or senior, will agree with me when I say that keeping up appearances to possess these marbles is oftentimes a monumental task for the person.