Tag: alberta:

CORRIERE CANADESE / Danielle Smith vince in Alberta, l’Ndp aumenta i voti ma non basta

TORONTO – La premier uscente Danielle Smith (nella foto sopra) respinge in qualche modo l’ondata arancione e vince le elezioni provinciali in Alberta. Come era stato ampiamente previsto, queste elezioni 2023 sono state molto più equilibrate rispetto alla tornata elettorale del 2019, quando l’United Conservative Party (Ucp) fece l’en plein conquistando 63 seggi contro i 24 dei neodemocratici… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Elezioni in Alberta, si prospetta un testa a testa Smith-Notley

TORONTO – Il conto alla rovescia è finito in Alberta, la parola passa agli elettori. A conclusione di una campagna elettorale ricca di polemiche e colpi di scena, oggi la Provincia è chiamata a rinnovare l’Assemblea legislativa locale e a decidere chi tra la premier uscente Danielle Smith e l’ex premier Rachel Notley guiderà l’esecutivo provinciale per i prossimi quattro anni… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Chaos hospitals: more than 21 hours of waiting in the emergency room in Ontario and 17 in Alberta (with some exceptions)

TORONTO –  Yet another negative record for Ontario hospitals: the average waiting times for patients arriving in the emergency room and needing to be hospitalized reached 21.3 hours in September according to data collected by Health Quality Ontario (HQO ): a considerable increase compared to the already very long average waiting times recorded in August (20.7 hours) and July (20.8 hours). 

Danielle Smith UCP’s new leader and Alberta’s next premier. “No longer we will ask permission from Ottawa to be prosperous and free”

Danielle Smith is the UCP’s new leader and Alberta’s next premier. After a night of delays – the vote counts came hard – she won on the sixth and final ballot, defeating her closest challenger Travis Toews, former minister under outgoing UCP leader and premier, Jason Kenney: the result was 53.77 per cent of the votes to her and 46.23 per cent to Toews. Brian Jean, Rebecca Schulz, Todd Loewen, Rajan Sawhney and Leela Aheer were all eliminated in earlier rounds.