EDMONTON – The month of September 2021 was, so far, the worst month in Alberta during the entire Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, more inhabitants of the province have tested positive than in any previous month and records have also been set for hospitalizations and intensive care. September was also the deadliest month since the second wave of the pandemic. →
EDMONTON – Continua l’emergenza in Alberta: 1.630 i nuovi casi di Covid-19 registrati venerdì (e 14 decessi) rilevati su 15.857 test, con un tasso di positività intorno al 10,52%. I casi attivi hanno visto un leggero calo rispetto all’aggiornamento di giovedì; sono ora 20.215 i casi attivi in provincia. Ecco la suddivisione territoriale: Zona di Edmonton 5.080, Zona di Calgary 4.834, Zona nord 4.015, Zona centrale 3.995, Zona sud 2.273 (zona sconosciuta 18)…
EDMONTON – The emergency in Alberta continues: 1,630 new cases of Covid-19 registered on Friday (and 14 deaths) detected on 15,857 tests, with a positive rate of around 10.52%. Active cases saw a slight drop from Thursday’s update; there are now 20,215 active cases in the province. Here is the territorial subdivision: Edmonton zone 5,080, Calgary zone 4,834, North zone 4,015, Central zone 3,995, South zone 2,273 (unknown zone 18). →
TORONTO – Lo scorso primo luglio in Alberta venivano eliminate praticamente tutte le restrizioni anti-Covid. Il premier Jason Kenney, infatti, aveva implementato il suo “Open for Summer Plan”, un piano di riapertura dell’economia in tre fasi entrato in vigore a inizio giugno con il quale l’ex ministro del governo Harper imboccava una strada diversa da quella degli altri premier. Mentre nel resto delle province era stata scelta la linea di una riapertura prudente, seguendo i suggerimenti dei diversi comitati tecnico scientifici, in Alberta Kenney aveva optato per l’approccio “tutto e subito”…
TORONTO – Last July in Alberta practically all anti-Covid restrictions were eliminated. Prime Minister Jason Kenney, in fact, had implemented his “Open for Summer Plan”, a three-phase plan to reopen the economy that came into force at the beginning of June with which the former minister of the Harper government takes a different path from that of the other premiers. While in the rest of the provinces the line of a prudent reopening had been chosen, following the suggestions of the various technical scientific committees, in Alberta Kenney had opted for the “everything and immediately” approach. →