TORONTO – Immigrazione irregolare, protezionismo, industria e commercio… sono tanti gli argomenti sul piatto dell’incontro fra i cosiddetti “Tre Amigos”: il primo ministro canadese Justin Trudeau, il presidente americano Joe Biden e quello messicano Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador si incontreranno in settimana per un vertice trilaterale a Città del Messico e dovranno confrontarsi su una serie di temi caldi, alcuni scottanti come l’aggravarsi della crisi migratoria che Biden deve affrontare al confine tra Stati Uniti e Messico e che, in qualche modo, coinvolge anche il Canada…
TORONTO – Illegal immigration, protectionism, industry and commerce… there are many topics on the plate at the meeting between the so-called “Three Amigos”: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, US President Joe Biden and Canadian President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will meet during the next week for a trilateral summit in Mexico City and will discuss a series of hot topics, some burning ones such as the worsening of the migration crisis that Biden has to face on the border between the United States and Mexico and which, in some way, also involves Canada. →
TORONTO – Ottawa, 29 giugno 2016. Justin Trudeau, insieme al presidente americano Barak Obama e alla controparte messicana Enrique Peña Nieto, presiede il vertice North American Leaders’ Summit (NALS), meglio conosciuto come il vertice dei Tre Amigos. Da allora i leader dei tre Paesi non si sono più incontrati…
TORONTO – Ottawa, June 29, 2016. Justin Trudeau, along with U.S. President Barak Obama and his Mexican counterpart Enrique Peña Nieto, chairs the North American Leaders’ Summit (NALS), better known as the Three Amigos Summit. Since then, the leaders of the three countries have not met again. The break, which lasted over five years, was wanted by the previous Us administration led by former President Donald Trump and, last summer, by the uncertainties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, we are facing the turning point, with an attempt to normalization relations between Canada, the United States and Mexico. →