TORONTO – We borrowed the headline from a column written by Jamil Jivani, a writer/broadcaster/lawyer, for the National Post last October 18 (in the pic above, the article on National Post’s website). He went on to say that Catholics, as a group of Canadians, “suffered the biggest spike in hate crimes last year”. He supports his premise with facts. Mr. Jivani is a reputable and consistent advocate for balance, equity and inclusion. He is also a member of a visible minority.
TORONTO – Quasi tutte le restrizioni varate in Ontario per lottare contro la pandemia di Covid-19 sono state revocate. Da oggi il certificato vaccinale non sarà più necessario per accedere ad ambienti al chiuso di attività non essenziali. È questo il cambiamento più importante: ciò significa che gli esercizi commerciali, ad esempio, non saranno più tenuti a chiedere ai clienti la prova di almeno due dosi di un vaccino Covid-19 per consentire l’ingresso. I negozi tuttavia, per garantire la sicurezza del loro personale e per la tranquillità che offre ai loro clienti, possono tuttavia continuare a mantenere in vigore il certificato vaccinale… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Almost all the restrictions launched in Ontario to fight the Covid-19 pandemic have been lifted. From tomorrow the vaccination certificate will no longer be necessary to access indoor environments of non-essential activities. This is the most important change: this means that businesses, for example, will no longer be required to ask customers for proof of at least two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine to allow entry. Stores, however, to ensure the safety of their staff and for the peace of mind it offers to their customers, can nevertheless continue to keep the vaccination certificate in force.
What vaccine would you choose to combat the virus? If given the option, I bet you’d go for Pfizer. Or Moderna. →