Tag: are

The world’s wealthiest are responsible for nearly 50% of carbon emissions

There has been a concentrated international effort to combat climate change. One main focus is on the cutting of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), carbon dioxide (CO2) being one of main culprits. But where do these emissions come from and who is responsible for the majority of carbon emissions?

According to the World Inequality Report 2022 (December 2021), data analysis by a team of world-leading economists suggests that the richest 10% of the global population produces close to 50% of GHG.

Catholics are integral to the preservation of Catholic education

The “debate” on educational issues at the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) is becoming as “toxic” and predictable as that at the TCDSB. Anti-Catholicism “woke” progressives seem determined to have their way, even if the Law says they cannot.

They spend a lot of money commissioning legal opinions – at Board expense – so they can have their way. It does not always work out. The “urgency” of letting a non-Catholic student trustee serve on the Board is a case in point.

Ontario, active cases are close to 5 thousand

TORONTO – A hundred fewer cases. Today’s figure of infections in Ontario reassures a little: 552 new infections from Covid-19, down from the disturbing 666 on Sunday but still up from 480 a week ago. In any case, today’s total represents the highest number of cases since last September 27 when 613 new infections were reported. Not only that: the active cases are close to 5 thousand.