TORONTO – Food skyrocketing, just when the inflation is cooling: + 10.8% for shopping at the supermarket in August compared with a year ago, an increase that hasn’t been seen since 1981. Therefore, if inflation is down at 7,0% is largely thanks to the drop in the price of gasoline and nothing more.
TORONTO – La Bank of Canada ha alzato il tasso di interesse di altri 0,75 punti base, portandolo al 3,25 per cento dal 2,5 per cento. È l’ennesimo di una serie di rialzi iniziati a marzo: da allora, la banca centrale canadese ha alzato il tasso di riferimento di 3,00 punti base, ad un ritmo che non si vedeva dalla metà degli anni ’90. L’obiettivo, secondo la banca stessa, è quello di “riportare l’inflazione al suo obiettivo del 2 per cento”…
TORONTO – The Bank of Canada raised the interest rate by another 0.75 basis points, bringing it to 3.25 percent from 2.5 percent. It’s yet another in a series of hikes that began in March: since then, the Canadian central bank has raised the key rate by 3.00 basis points, at a pace not seen since the mid-1990s. (more…)
TORONTO – L’aumento del tasso di interesse dell’uno per cento deciso dalla Bank of Canada mercoledì ha colto molti di sorpresa (l’istituto aveva preannunciato un aumento inferiore) e sicuramente avrà un notevole impatto finanziario per molti canadesi. A dirlo, finalmente, è anche un economista…
TORONTO – The Bank of Canada’s one percent interest rate hike on Wednesday took many by surprise (the institute had predicted a lower increase) and is likely to have a major financial impact for many Canadians. Also an economist, finally, says it. “It will have an immediate and rather dramatic effect on loan costs for many people,” Stephen Brown, a senior Canadian economist at Capital Economics, told CTV‘s “Your Morning” today, stating what everyone knows but few say openly: Canadian central bank interest rate hike raises mortgage and loan repayments: it’s so obvious. (more…)