Tag: black

Ontario, ogni giorno quasi 15mila contagi. “Black out” dei dati in molte province

TORONTO – Anche ieri l’Ontario ha registrato un numero altissimo di contagi: 13.578. Sempre tantissimi, anche se in calo rispetto ai 16.714 di domenica e 18.445 di sabato. Adesso la media mobile di casi giornalieri calcolata su sette giorni è pari a 14.074: una settimana fa era quasi la metà, 7.550. I casi attivi e noti in Ontario sono ora 136.860… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

No updates on Covid in Alberta from 23 December, but there is the ‘black market’ of data

TORONTO – Canada has officially registered more than two million cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic: 2,058,872, to be exact. And they are probably “few”, given that on the one hand health workers are preparing for a possible post-holiday peak driven by the fast-spreading Omicron variant and on the other hand the numbers of the last few days could represent only the tip of the iceberg given the difficulty in processing all tampons. But there is also who doens’t provide the data at all, such as Alberta.