TORONTO – Il nostro quotidiano copre diversi argomenti e problemi relativi all’istruzione che emergono dai consigli scolastici di tutta la provincia. Una di queste questioni è quella di un rapporto di 36 pagine intitolato “Investigation into Conduct during Board Meetings” presso l’Halton Catholic District School Board (nella foto, Patrick Murphy, Chair of the Board) …
Like other multilingual publications, the Corriere has been covering several education-related topics and issues that emerge from school boards across the province. One such matter is that of a 36-page report titled Investigation into Conduct during Board Meetings at the Halton Catholic District School Board. The investigation examined the conduct of trustees, with an expressed goal “to identify the causes of dysfunction and to make recommendations to address those causes”.
TORONTO – Last night’s emergency meeting of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) reminded me of a 1964 Pop Music classic, Tobacco Road. Two verses stand out: “Bring that dynamite and a crane, Blow it up, start all over again…” →
TORONTO – Toronto’s public school superintendent tightens up Covid-19 vaccination rules. The Catholic one, on the other hand, at the moment makes a silent scene while the first day of school is approaching by giant strides. The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) voted unanimously to introduce vaccination duty for staff, trustees and visitors. To make the announcement yesterday was the school board: “the school trustees during the meeting Wednesday evening decided to make the anti-Covid-19 vaccination mandatory”. And considering that there are only eleven days left before the reopening of schools and that the TDSB intends to implement the procedure before the children return to class, there is no time to lose. →
TORONTO – Piani di sicurezza, linee guida, uso della mascherina, distanza fisica, limite massimo degli studenti, obbligo vaccinale per il personale scolastico. Sono alcuni dei temi sui quali, a poco più di sei settimane dall’inizio dell’anno scolastico, la nostra classe politica dovrebbe intavolare un dibattito serio e costruttivo, recependo le indicazioni e gli input della comunità scientifica provinciale, delle associazioni di categoria e dei provveditorati scolastici…