Tag: board.

Peel District School Board offers its schools to immunize

Peel District School Board offers its schools to immunize 

TORONTO – The Peel District School Board (PDSB) offers its schools as pop-up vaccination sites in hotspots in the region. The offer to Peel’s health officer, Dr. Lawrence Loh, was promoted by PDSB Director of Education Colleen Russell-Rawlins and supervisor Bruce Rodrigues. (more…)

Trustees losing faith in their own Board

[GTranslate]If they had taken place in a Parliamentary precinct, Daniel Di Giorgio’s motions at the Catholic school Board’s meeting on Thursday, March 25, would have amounted to a Motion of non-confidence against a minority government. The government either survives those motions, or it collapses and is replaced. In either case, the target of the motion of non-confidence suffers severe reputational damage. (more…)


Once, during a religious seminar I participated in, the issue of Filipino parents sending their children came into focus. I admit, having been involved in the media for most of my Canadian life, this issue never came up in my front burner. I have always regarded it as a given in the Filipino immigrants’ life to send their child or children to a Catholic school. And I assumed that Canadians knew the Catholic background of the Philippines. (more…)