With the Spring Break ending, distance learning resumed for students across Ontario today. →
[GTranslate]TORONTO – The provincial government announces the easing of some restrictions in many regions of Ontario, despite the progressive increase in Covid-19 infections. As had already happened during the last year during the pandemic, at certain stages there is a contradictory approach on the part of the executive in a delicate attempt to maintain a balance between health needs and those of the economy. →
[GTranslate]The Ontario government goes to the aid of colleges and universities by allocating $106.4 million, but Laurentian University won’t get a penny. →
[GTranslate]TORONTO – Ontario’s Covid-19 Vaccination Online booking portal went live at 8am for residents aged 80+ to book their vaccine appointment. At a press briefing on March 14, Premier Ford reiterated that only people born in 1941 or earlier will be permitted to reserve their appointment.
[GTranslate]Houses for sale for 1 euro: this has been happening in Italy, for several years, in small towns at risk of depopulation and where there are many old ruins that no one would ever buy. →