TORONTO – We return to talk about Covid-19. What seemed like a distant (bad) memory, reappears with a new “code name”: EG.5, i.e. a subvariant of the coronavirus on the rise in some parts of the world and “landed” also in Canada, at least since May according to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). →
TORONTO – Nonostante i negoziati tra sindacati degli insegnanti e governo si protraggano dall’inizio di luglio, all’orizzonte non c’è nessun accordo. Ad affermare che i progressi compiuti siano pochi e che, a questo punto sembra improbabile che una intesa possa essere raggiunta prima dell’inizio dell’anno scolastico, sono i quattro sindacati. Di sciopero non si parla ancora ma il senso di frustrazione sia da parte governo che dei docenti, è palpabile…
TORONTO – As business enterprises go, the Toronto District School Board manifests all the signs of a sick organization. It is “kept alive” by government tolerance for incompetence.
TORONTO – By all accounts, Richard Bilkszto was a good person: recognized for his dedication to the obligations of his profession as a teacher and as a principal. He was also a co-founding member of the local [Ontario] chapter of a North American Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR).
TORONTO – The federal government has suspended direct financial assistance to the government of Niger after a military coup ousted President Mohamed Bazoum: Strongly condemning the coup, Canada’s Foreign Minister Melanie Joly has called for the reinstatement of the President Bazoum and the “democratically elected government”.