TORONTO – Youth spread human rights awareness at Youth Day’s 17th Annual Festival at Yonge-Dundas Square promoting human rights education, more specifically, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
TORONTO – First, this was brought about by partisan political needs. We would be hard-pressed to find such a sea change in the government of Canada that was not caused by election results. Cui bono – to whose benefit?
TORONTO – The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation-Radio Canada (CBC) is arguably one of Canada’s most important nation building assets. It is supposed to help shape and convey the Canadian reality to all Canadians. For that reason alone, the Canadian Radio and Television Commission (CRTC) – its titular boss – grants it a license giving it privileges and protections not available to other broadcasters and “creators”.
TORONTO – Rumors galore about a cabinet shuffle: Backbenchers giddy with anticipation, Ministers trying hard to quell their personal tensions about being “dropped” (how can the country survive without them?). →
TORONTO – Last week, a 60-year-old retired principal from the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) committed suicide. Richard Bilkszto had been working on contract after retirement. He had been [ordered] by the employer to attend DREI seminars as part of his condition of employment. He complied.