Tag: canadá”

Toronto mayoral by-election, Corriere Canadese interviews Anthony Perruzza: “No Torontonians’ money anymore to the Province”

Today, Corriere Canadese is publishing another interview on the contending candidates seeking election as Mayor of Toronto. 102 individuals have registered with the Elections Office at City Hall, and the Italian newspaper will not be able to give all of them the coverage they might like, so it proposes, but will not be limited to, interviewing interested candidates whom “the polls” suggest may garner at least 4% of the votes.

TORONTO – A smart city, with simple solutions for big problems. But, first of all, no Torontonians’ money anymore to the Province: “With me as a Mayor, the 2.2 billion dollars we give yearly to the Province will stay here, in Toronto. I’m not giving all that money to the Province anymore”. 

Toronto mayoral by-election, Corriere Canadese interviews Brad Bradford: “I will follow up on promises with facts”

Today, Corriere Canadese is publishing another interview on the contending candidates seeking election as Mayor of Toronto. 102 individuals have registered with the Elections Office at City Hall, and the Italian newspaper will not be able to give all of them the coverage they might like, so it proposes, but will not be limited to, interviewing interested candidates whom “the polls” suggest may garner at least 4% of the votes.

TORONTO – “Facts, not words”. Brad Bradford’s commitment is captured in this motto. An urban planner, he has represented Ward 19 Beaches – East York at City Hall since 2018. He has been Chair of the Planning and Housing committee since last year. Mr. Bradford is aiming for the mayor’s seat in the belief that streamlining bureaucracy and having promises follow through on actions quickly is the direction to take for a Toronto that works. And, in his platform, there is a plan to increase public safety in the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC); a new agency to respond to mental health crises; a commissioner for the reduction of traffic congestion in the city; a plan to fight crime and to build affordable housing. Bradford, interviewed by the editorial staff of Corriere Canadese, outlined his program’s priorities.

CORRIERE CANADESE / Olivia Chow in fuga, gli altri candidati si ostacolano nella corsa a sindaco

TORONTO – Nella corsa a sindaco fa fatica a emergere un candidato credibile che possa frenare Olivia Chow. La conferma di questa tendenza, che sta andando avanti ormai da qualche settimana, arriva dall’ultimo sondaggio della Forum Reserch, un’istantanea degli umori dell’elettorato torontino che mette in luce come l’ex parlamentare dell’Ndp goda di un netto vantaggio nella corsa a sindaco… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>