TORONTO – Al termine di una campagna elettorale ricca di accuse, veleni e polemiche, il conto alla rovescia è finito. Oggi i canadesi andranno alle urne per scegliere i loro 338 rappresentanti nella 44ª legislatura e, indirettamente, per indicare il nuovo primo ministro. Ieri i leader dei partiti principali hanno tenuto gli ultimi comizi elettorali, lanciando l’ultimo appello verso gli elettori ancora indecisi che, in definitiva, potrebbero spostare gli equilibri finali e quindi l’esito delle votazioni. Justin Trudeau in mattinata è intervenuto a Montreal e Vaughan, mentre nell’arco della giornata è stato impegnato in una lunga serie di eventi virtuali…
TORONTO – At the end of an election campaign full of accusations, poisons and controversy, the countdown is over. Tomorrow Canadians will go to the polls to choose their 338 representatives in the 44th legislature and, indirectly, to indicate the new prime minister. Today the leaders of the main parties held the last electoral rallies, launching the last appeal to the still undecided voters who, ultimately, could shift the final balance and therefore the outcome of the votes. Justin Trudeau spoke in Montreal in the morning, while throughout the day he was engaged in a long series of virtual events. →
After a short 5-week campaign, voting day has arrived. Tomorrow, Canadians across the Nation will head to the polls to cast their vote. Some may still be asking whether holding an election in the middle of a pandemic was necessary. Either way, casting a vote gives Canadians the opportunity and privilege to have a say in Canada’s future government.
২০ সেপ্টেম্বর অনুষ্ঠেয় কানাডার ৪৪তম সাধারণ নির্বাচনে প্রথমবারের মতো সর্বাধিক ৮ জন বাংলাদেশি বংশোদ্ভূত প্রার্থী মূলধারার তথা লিবারেল, কনজারভেটিভ, এনডিপি ও গ্রীন পার্টি থেকে মনোনয়ন পেয়ে প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করছেন। →
TORONTO – First time ever a record 8 (eight) Bangladeshi-born candidates are contesting in the 44th general election in Canada to be held on September 20. They have been nominated by Canada’s mainstream political parties, such as, Liberal, Conservative, NDP and Green Party. →