TORONTO – “The worst is behind us”. Word of Doug Ford. With this ‘motto’, Ontario’s premier today announced the reopening plan: first step on January 31, when restaurants, gyms, cinemas and other indoor environments will be able to reopen with 50% capacity, as part of a broader plan to gradually lift most of the Covid-19 restrictions by mid-March. (more…)
TORONTO – The vaccination passport, in the end, could be downgraded to a voluntary choice. There is great anticipation for Prime Minister Ford’s announcement tomorrow about the reopening plan that should further ease restrictions by taking Ontario out of phase 3. (more…)
[GTranslate]TORONTO – Ontario’s Covid-19 Vaccination Online booking portal went live at 8am for residents aged 80+ to book their vaccine appointment. At a press briefing on March 14, Premier Ford reiterated that only people born in 1941 or earlier will be permitted to reserve their appointment.