Tag: cases,

Schools closed longer, few fewer cases

TORONTO – The school is not a place of greasers. This is in summary the result of a study conducted by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences during the provincial closure that began in December 2020. This closure was followed by a regionalized approach to the reopening of schools by the Ford government that lasted until January and February 2021. 

Covid-19, another 24 deaths in Ontario. Active cases below 10 thousand

TORONTO – Another 24 deaths related to Covid-19, today, in Ontario: despite the reassurances of the experts who speak of a descent of the curve, a decrease in hospitalizations and infections, an improvement in the situation, the virus continues to claim victims, whether they died with Covid (and therefore for other pathologies, but with the virus giving the “coup de grace”) or due to Covid. The tragic toll of the pandemic in Ontario thus rises to 13,265. 

Covid-19 in Ontario, 23 deaths. Active cases still in decline

TORONTO – The number of hospitalized is decreasing: today there are 1,207 patients in hospital with Covid-19, of which 168 in intensive care. This marks a decrease in hospitalizations compared to 1,248 patients on Wednesday and 1,451 a week ago, while there are 3 more patients in intensive care than yesterday but 7 fewer than a week ago. 71 patients breathe with the help of a ventilator, 5 fewer than on Wednesday and 4 fewer than a week ago.