Tag: catholic

Anti Catholic Bigotry is a Real Problem in Canada

TORONTO – We borrowed the headline from a column written by Jamil Jivani, a writer/broadcaster/lawyer, for the National Post last October 18 (in the pic above, the article on National Post’s website). He went on to say that Catholics, as a group of Canadians, “suffered the biggest spike in hate crimes last year”. He supports his premise with facts. Mr. Jivani is a reputable and consistent advocate for balance, equity and inclusion. He is also a member of a  visible minority. 

Opportunists and Dissidents Usurping Catholic Education

TORONTO – Political parties serve an important function. They function as a catch basin for people and ideas with occasionally convergent or overlapping views. They summarize the shared values into a ‘political plan’ and seek public support. It is not a bad democratic tool for individuals whose own individual appeal may be limited at best and surely insufficient to stir the hearts and minds of the electorate. 

TCDSB Elections, vandalized signs of a candidate who defends traditional Catholic values

TORONTO – Vandals in action against candidates for the position of trustee at TCDSB who intend to defend traditional Catholic values: yesterday someone ripped up the electoral cartels of Gabriella Mazarakis, candidate in Ward 2. “I believe Catholic schools are distinct and exist because families want to pass on to their children the values, culture, tradition and meaning of their faith”, the candidate wrote in one of her tweets during the elections campaign. In another tweet, she posted a quote from Pope John Paul II: Even though the financial viability of Catholic schools has been guaranteed, the task remains of ensuring their Catholic character”. In the pic above, one of the vandalized signs in a pic posted by Rabea Allos.