Tag: children

Covid-19, Ontario starts vaccinations for children between 6 months and 5 years old

TORONTO – Today the Province of Ontario opened reservations for anti-Covid vaccines to infants and preschool children: the appointments – for children aged between six months and less than five years – are therefore available through the portal on line of the province https://covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine and many parents breathed a sigh of relief, like those interviewed by the CBC. Like Sapphire Miller, mother of two children aged 15 months and four: “I am happy to offer my children extra protection,” she said. 

Hepatitis in children, seven cases at Sick Kids

TORONTO – Health authorities around the world are working to clarify the causes of the increase in cases of fulminant hepatitis in previously healthy children, recorded in different parts of the world. The mysterious disease has also struck in Canada: at the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, over the course of six months, cases of severe acute hepatitis have been identified, the origin of which is unknown.