TORONTO – Quella che studenti e insegnanti del George Harvey Collegiate Institute si apprestano a fare non è una rimpatriata come tante altre…
TORONTO – What students and teachers at the George Harvey Collegiate Institute are preparing to do is not a repatriation like so many others. On Saturday, from noon to 7 pm, they will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the school.
TORONTO – A high school student died after being stabbed during a brawl that broke out at his school: two other students from the Victoria Park Collegiate Institute, located near Parkwoods Village Drive and Victoria Park Avenue in North York, were injured. The perpetrator of the attack, 19, was arrested on charges of second-degree murder: Ahmed Rafin. →
TORONTO – Per la prima volta, durante questo anno scolastico, un’intera scuola superiore a Etobicoke – il Silverthorn Collegiate Institute – è stata chiusa dalla Toronto Public Health (TPH)a seguito di un’epidemia di Covid-19. Ai ragazzi è stato comunicato dal Toronto District School Board (TDSB) che per il momento le lezioni si terranno online. Ai ragazzi è stato comunicato dal Toronto District School Board (TDSB) che per il momento le lezioni si terranno online… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – For the first time during this school year, an entire high school in Etobicoke – the Silverthorn Collegiate Institute – has been closed by Toronto Public Health (TPH) following a Covid-19 outbreak. →