Tag: community

Flamborough-Glanbrook MPP, focused on expanding opportunities for all

Created in 2015, the provincial electoral district of Flamborough-Glanbrook is situated along the southern outskirts of Hamilton. The riding encompasses the rural portion of the City of Hamilton, including part of the Niagara Escarpment. It covers an area of 125 square km, slightly smaller than that of Turin, Italy, but with a population density about one seventh that of the Italian regional municipality.

Una coperta nuziale per volare sui sogni

Prosegue sul Corriere Canadese la pubblicazione degli articoli dedicati all’immigrazione italiana in Canada, che prendono spunto dalla storia degli oggetti che gli emigrati hanno portato con sé nel viaggio dal Belpaese alla nuova terra. L’iniziativa rientra nel progetto “Narrarsi altrove, viaggio tra i cimeli e i luoghi dell’anima” della poetessa Anna Ciardullo Villapiana e della docente Stella Paola, con la collaborazione di Gabriel Niccoli, professore emerito dell’Università di Waterloo e membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell’Italian-Canadian Archives Project (ICAP), network nazionale sotto i cui auspici opera il suddetto studio poetico… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Italians may hold the key to a 3-way race in Hamilton district

A fairly new district, Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas was created in 2015 and situated west of “the Mountain”. The constituency covers a span of 100 square km and encompasses the communities of Ancaster and Dundas.

As of 2016, the riding had a population of 113,025. The area is a popular place to call home for many ethnic groups. Italians, at 12% of the district population, are one of the largest cultural groups which originate from Europe.