Tag: community

College: Good Friday, no procession again

TORONTO – On Friday in College there will be no statues or banners or even prayers and songs. There will be no representation of the passion of Jesus Christ for the third year in a row. The last procession – the 57th – organized by the Church of St. Francis of Assisi dates back to 2019. Then the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic swept away with a sponge this tradition that precedes Easter Sunday. And also this year, now that despite everything the Via Crucis could have winded through the streets of College, the decision of the church was to postpone to next year this representation so dear to the Italian Canadian community and beyond. 

Oakville North–Burlington: an ethnically diverse region

Created in 2015, the provincial electoral district of Oakville North–Burlington encompasses part of the Regional Municipality of Halton, including a portion of the Town of Oakville and part of the City of Burlington.

As of 2016, the riding had a population of 129,080 and is home to a number of culturally diverse ethnic groups. Italians, at 10% of the district population, are one of the largest cultural groups with 12,330 residents living in the constituency.

Burlington, il distretto avrà un nuovo deputato

TORONTO – Creato nel 1999, il collegio elettorale di Burlington, un distretto con una popolazione di 123.180 residenti in costante crescita, è stato rappresentato principalmente da membri del Partito Conservatore Progressista. Jane McKenna, attuale MPP, ha rappresentato per la prima volta la circoscrizione quando è stata eletta nel 2011. Ha ricoperto la carica per il PC fino a quando i liberali sono subentrati nel collegio elettorale tra il 2014 e il 2018… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>