Essex, a provincial electoral district in Southwestern Ontario, appears to be a riding poised for change. Current MPP Taras Natyshak has represented the constituency for the NDP since elected to office in 2011. He was re-elected in 2018 with 47.9% of the electorate (26,134 votes).
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Il cammino verso la riconciliazione è intrapreso. Ed è iniziato proprio là, al termine di quella strada che conduce a Piazza San Pietro, in Vaticano, e che porta il nome, guarda il destino, di “Via della Conciliazione” (nella foto sopra, da Wikipedia)…
Dufferin-Caledon, provincial constituency, covers an area of about 2,300 square km, slightly less than that of Pisa, but with a population density about one third that of the Italian regional municipality. The district is located in central Ontario, north of Brampton and encompasses Dufferin County and the town of Caledon.
PALERMO – Il 9 aprile si svolgeranno, nei Paesi con maggior presenza dei nostri connazionali all’estero, le elezioni per il rinnovo del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero (CGIE): in vista della fine del proprio mandato, la Commissione VII invita la cittadinanza ad un webinar conclusivo delle proprie attività ( in programma domenica 3 aprile alle ore 21 (ora italiana) a Palermo.
VANCOUVER – A “culinary” bridge between the Italian and Indigenous communities: the idea comes from Apci Canada, the Professional Association of Italian Chefs chaired by Chef Giovanni Trigona, an Italian in Vancouver, British Columbia, who is currently launching a collaboration with fellow Chef Theresa Contois, a Native of the Long Plain First Nation in Manitoba. A friendship destined to lay the foundations for a series of initiatives that will see the collaboration of Italian and Native chefs for the first time in history (in the pic above, Giovanni and Theresa).