Tag: community

Italiani all’estero, un webinar sui progetti della Commissione VII del CGIE

PALERMO – Il 9 aprile si svolgeranno, nei Paesi con maggior presenza dei nostri connazionali all’estero, le elezioni per il rinnovo del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero (CGIE): in vista della fine del proprio mandato, la Commissione VII invita la cittadinanza ad un webinar conclusivo delle proprie attività (https://fb.me/e/7sQjH7Fni) in programma domenica 3 aprile alle ore 21 (ora italiana) a Palermo. 

Italian and Indigenous cuisine together: interview with Theresa Contois (and the Native’s recipe for bison stew)

VANCOUVER – A “culinary” bridge between the Italian and Indigenous communities: the idea comes from Apci Canada, the Professional Association of Italian Chefs chaired by Chef Giovanni Trigona, an Italian in Vancouver, British Columbia, who is currently launching a collaboration with fellow Chef Theresa Contois, a Native of the Long Plain First Nation in Manitoba. A friendship destined to lay the foundations for a series of initiatives that will see the collaboration of Italian and Native chefs for the first time in history (in the pic above, Giovanni and Theresa).