TORONTO – Continua senza sosta il potenziamento dei servizi offerti dal Consolato Generale d’Italia a Toronto che in questi giorni ha bandito tre nuovi concorsi pubblici per l’assunzione di 5 impiegati e ha ulteriormente aggiornato il sito internet…
TORONTO – On October 22, St. Margaret’s Mary Roman Catholic Parish in Woodbridge, led by Father Rory Grayda, celebrated its 65th anniversary with a gala evening.
TORONTO – A candidate with Italian roots for the most “Italian” city of the GTA: Steven Del Duca (in the pic above, from his Twitter profile), 49 years old, is a first-generation Canadian, born to an Italian father (his paternal grandfather immigrated to Canada from Italy in 1951) and a Scottish mother. He is married to Utilia Amaral and they live with their two daughters in Woodbridge, the new “Little Italy”.