TORONTO – The controversy over schools in Ontario is not going away. Twenty-four hours after the provincial government’s decision to continue remote teaching until the end of this school year, it has infused the political climate, provoking accusations and poisons during the last parliamentary session in Queen’s Park before the summer break. But not only that. →
Last week, he chased away the inspector of the Public Health Service of Calgary, Alberta, and the police for the second time.

Artur Pawłowski may be arrested next time.
[GTranslate]TORONTO – A dose of vaccine for all Canadians who want to immunize themselves against Covid by July 1st. →
More than five million Venezuelans have left their country in recent years, and despite the fact that Canada heads the Lima Group that recognizes the Venezuelan problems and promotes reception and support for Venezuelans, it has not opened reunification or refugee programs for the displaced. →