TORONTO – La Public Health Agency of Canada sta monitorando una nuova variante altamente mutata del virus che causa il Covid-19 e che è stata rilevata in almeno quattro Paesi, ma finora non sono stati rilevati casi in Canada. Si tratta di “BA.2.86”, una “variante sotto monitoraggio” a causa del “grande numero di mutazioni identificate”: sono stati registrati casi negli Stati Uniti, in Danimarca, nel Regno Unito ed in Israele, sebbene a partire da venerdì siano stati segnalati meno di dieci casi confermati in tutto il mondo. E nessuno, dicevamo, in Canada…
TORONTO – The Public Health Agency of Canada is monitoring a new highly mutated variant of the virus that causes Covid-19, that has been detected in at least four countries, but no cases have been detected in Canada so far. It is “BA.2.86”, a “variant under monitoring” due to the “large number of mutations identified”: cases have been recorded in the United States, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Israel, although as of Friday fewer than ten confirmed cases have been reported worldwide. And none, we said, in Canada. (more…)
TORONTO – Le infezioni da Covid-19 potrebbero lentamente ricominciare a salire in Canada: è quanto emerge dai nuovi dati della Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). “Ci sono segni di continue fluttuazioni in alcuni indicatori di attività Covid-19 dopo un lungo periodo di graduale declino”, riferiva, martedì, l’aggiornamento epidemiologico on line dell’agenzia. “Questo potrebbe essere un primo segnale di aumento dell’attività”…
TORONTO – Covid-19 infections could slowly start to rise again in Canada: this is what emerges from new data from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): there are signs of continued fluctuations in some indicators of COVID-19 activity after a long period of gradual decline, the agency’s online epidemiological update reported on Tuesday. This could be an early sign of increased activity, an activity that is still low to moderate in the provinces and territories, the update specifies. But Dr. Allison McGeer, an infectious disease specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, points out that cases of Covid-19 are also on the rise in the United States and in other parts of the world, as other experts have already noted a few days ago.
TORONTO – We return to talk about Covid-19. What seemed like a distant (bad) memory, reappears with a new “code name”: EG.5, i.e. a subvariant of the coronavirus on the rise in some parts of the world and “landed” also in Canada, at least since May according to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). (more…)