TORONTO – Talking about a new (nth) wave of Covid-19 is perhaps premature, but the signs are all there: in recent weeks we had witnessed a rising of hospitalizations but the small number of swabs performed (reserved only for “at risk” categories) “) had not allowed an exhaustive tracing of the infections. However, there is one fact from which there is no escape: the presence of the virus in wastewater. →
TORONTO – The easing of restrictions at Canadian airports could worsen the situation instead of improving it: according to some experts, in fact, the decisions taken by the government to ease the delays and the queues created in particular at the “Pearson” airport in Toronto will have, as effect, an increase in the volume of passengers. →
TORONTO – Il virus non molla. Ieri, in Ontario, altri 8 morti correlati al Covid-19, che portano il totale in provincia, da inizio pandemia, a 13.351…
TORONTO – The virus does not give up. Today, in Ontario, another 8 deaths related to Covid-19, bringing the total in the province, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 13,351. Even the number of hospitalizations, like yesterday, is not very comforting: there are still 506 patients with the virus in Ontario hospitals, so the drop is slight (yesterday they were 512, a week ago 522) compared to two weeks ago when hospitalizations had dropped by 34.9%, from 808 to 526. Now it remains around 500, a sign that the descent has slowed down. →
TORONTO – Non sono confortanti gli ultimi dati relativi a ricoveri e contagi: sia dalle ospedalizzazioni che dall’analisi delle acque reflue, infatti, sembra emergere una discesa del calo – che finora era stato costante – della presenza del Covid-19 fra la popolazione…