Tag: covid

No updates on Covid in Alberta from 23 December, but there is the ‘black market’ of data

TORONTO – Canada has officially registered more than two million cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic: 2,058,872, to be exact. And they are probably “few”, given that on the one hand health workers are preparing for a possible post-holiday peak driven by the fast-spreading Omicron variant and on the other hand the numbers of the last few days could represent only the tip of the iceberg given the difficulty in processing all tampons. But there is also who doens’t provide the data at all, such as Alberta.

Altri 8,1 miliardi in aiuti per il Covid, tagliato il deficit

TORONTO – Nuovo pacchetto d’aiuti anti Covid e calo del deficit federale. Sono questi i due elementi principali del Fiscal Update presentato ieri da Chrystia Freeland. Un documento, quello del ministro delle Finanze, che doveva essere annunciato alla House of Commons ma che invece è stato presentato virtualmente. Due membri dello staff della Freeland, infatti, sono risultati positivi al Covid-19: la ministra negli ultimi giorni non ha avuto contatti diretti con queste due persone, ma a scopo cautelativo ha deciso di presentare il provvedimento via computer… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid in Ontario, positivity almost doubled in seven days. More than 1.700 cases in Quebec

TORONTO – Over 1,400 new cases of Covid-19 and another 5 deaths related to the virus, today, in Ontario: the new infections are 1,429, down from 1,536 but up from 928 a week ago. With the increase in the number of cases in the last month, the seven-day moving average continues to rise and reaches 1,400 (a week ago it was 975): it is the highest average since last May 27 when it was 1,441. The positivity rate also reaches a maximum never seen in almost seven months: with 33,400 tests processed it is now at 6.6%, the highest since last May 18 when it was 7.6% (a week ago it was at 3.8 %: almost doubled in seven days). 

Covid in Ontario, oltre diecimila i casi attivi

TORONTO – L’impennata dei contagi già registrata la scorsa settimana in Ontario non accenna a placarsi: ieri la provincia ha riportato 1.476 nuovi casi di Covid-19 e 8 decessi. Sabato le infezioni erano state 1.607 (il numero più alto in sette mesi) e venerdì 1.452. La media mobile di casi giornalieri calcolata su sette giorni è ora pari a 1.236 (sabato era 1.194, una settimana fa 761)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>