TORONTO – If the federal elections were held today, the Conservative Party would get more seats than the Liberals: and Pierre Poilievre would become the new prime minister of Canada. →
TORONTO – Tutti i canadesi sono interessati all’evolversi ed all’esito della sfida per la leadership del Partito Conservatore del Canada (CPC), indipendentemente dall’affiliazione partigiana. Con buona pace degli altri partiti (Bloc Quebecois, Green, Liberal e NDP) il CPC è uno dei due partiti con qualche possibilità realistica di formare un governo federale. L’altro sono i Liberali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
All Canadians have an interest in the process and the outcome of the Conservative Party of Canada Leadership contest, regardless of partisan affiliation. With all due respect to the other parties (Bloc Quebecois, Green, Liberal and NDP) it is one of two Parties with any realistic chance of forming a federal government. The other being the Liberals.
Well, it’s official. Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown has announced that he is running for the Federal Conservative leadership. He formally declared his candidacy on March 13, in a 25-minute speech, mostly in English with some French, at Queen’s Manor Event Centre in Brampton.