TORONTO – La premier uscente Danielle Smith (nella foto sopra) respinge in qualche modo l’ondata arancione e vince le elezioni provinciali in Alberta. Come era stato ampiamente previsto, queste elezioni 2023 sono state molto più equilibrate rispetto alla tornata elettorale del 2019, quando l’United Conservative Party (Ucp) fece l’en plein conquistando 63 seggi contro i 24 dei neodemocratici…
TORONTO – Justin Trudeau nei prossimi mesi dovrà fare i conti con la nuova minaccia politica che arriva dall’Ovest. La scorsa settimana l’United Conservative Party ha deciso di voltare pagina con l’elezione a leader di partito di Danielle Smith… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
Danielle Smith is the UCP’s new leader and Alberta’s next premier. After a night of delays – the vote counts came hard – she won on the sixth and final ballot, defeating her closest challenger Travis Toews, former minister under outgoing UCP leader and premier, Jason Kenney: the result was 53.77 per cent of the votes to her and 46.23 per cent to Toews. Brian Jean, Rebecca Schulz, Todd Loewen, Rajan Sawhney and Leela Aheer were all eliminated in earlier rounds.
TORONTO – Jason Kenney (in the pic) throws in the towel. Alberta’s premier and leader of the United Conservative Party has decided to resign as head of the party after the vote on the review of his leadership split the Canadian right, worn out by months of internal feuds, accusations, poisons and controversy until the dramatic epilogue on Wednesday evening.