Tag: day?

Remembrance Day commemorations – 100 years of observances

In-person Remembrance Day services return to communities across Canada. Last year, pandemic restrictions prompted smaller, scaled down ceremonies while others were cancelled to minimize the risk of infection.

This year, things are decidedly different. The easing of restrictions and greater capacity limits mean traditional Remembrance Day ceremonies return to some semblance of normalcy, albeit with Covid-19 safety protocols in effect.

Alberta still above 1,200 cases per day and more hospitalizations. The situation in Sasks, Manitoba and BC

EDMONTON – The Covid situation in Alberta remains of total emergency. Also on Friday, the last day on which the data were disclosed, the province recorded over 1,200 new infections: 1,256 to be precise (and 16 deaths) against the 1,254 (and 10 deaths) of Thursday and the 1,263 (and 26 deaths) of Wednesday. Most of the people who died on Friday were between 70 and 80, two in their fifties, one in their sixties, another in their nineties. In total, 2,830 Alberta residents have died of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic. 

Lunedì il Columbus Day negli Usa. Nissoli: “Difendiamo la nostra storia”

NEW YORK – Anche quest’anno negli Usa, lunedì 11 ottobre, si celebrerà il Columbus Day e si terranno manifestazioni in molte città degli Stati Uniti: la più rilevante è la storica parata di New York. “Si tratta di una giornata di festa orgogliosi dei nostri valori e della nostra tradizione culturale che vuole essere in dialogo con le altre culture presenti sul territorio USA per contribuire in maniera armonica, come abbiamo sempre fatto, alla costruzione ed allo sviluppo della società americana”, commenta l’onorevole Fucsia Fitzgerald Nissoli, deputata di Forza Italia eletta in Nord e Centro America.  

The first National Day for Truth: Canada remembers residential schools

TORONTO – Songs, drums, speeches, dances. But also painful testimonies and tears. For the first time in its history, Canada celebrated The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation yesterday. A day, that of yesterday, established by Ottawa last June 3 to commemorate the tragic and painful history of residential schools, to remember the dead children and those who survived, their families and communities.