Tag: day?

Recognizing the Day of Truth and Reconciliation

September 30 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. It is a day for reflection and to honour the lost children and survivors of the country’s residential schools, their families and communities.

This year has been a difficult one for everyone, especially for Indigenous communities following the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves, including the remains of children, on the grounds of former residential schools across Canada.

Alberta, two thousand cases in one day. The doctors: “Immediate military aid”

EDMONTON – Scary numbers. Alberta, which until a few days ago was “stay open for good”, registered 2,020 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday (out of a total of 17,000 tests carried out). A huge amount, considering that Alberta has just over 4.3 million inhabitants. To make a comparison: today Italy, which has over 60 million inhabitants, recorded 3,838 new cases (out of a total of 263,571 swabs analyzed). 

Election Day coming up. How will you vote?

TORONTO – I voted in the advance polls. Like many readers of the Corriere Canadese, I have been taken aback by the riding profiles offered daily by Priscilla Pajdo in our pages. No other publication has been providing their readers with as extensive and detailed a picture of any constituency as her pieces have. She has focused on districts where 9% or more of the population are of Italian origin. 

Ontario and Quebec, infections in decline: less than six hundred a day

TORONTO  – After the sleepy long weekend of the second “pandemic” Labor Day in its history, Ontario wakes up with good news: infections have dropped, at least in the last two days. 581 on Monday and 564 today, against 811 on Sunday, 944 on Saturday and 807 on Friday. The seven-day moving average therefore stops at 746 (yesterday it was 757). It is true that fewer tests were carried out: 19,200 swabs performed on Monday and 17,118 those on Tuesday, against 22,410 on Sunday when 811 cases were recorded. The positivity rate therefore rises to 3.5% (average percentage of the two days) against 2.9% three days ago.