TORONTO – Canada is heading into a “mild” recession as high borrowing costs, an economic downturn in the United States and persistent inflation add to the country’s economic uncertainty, new research reveals. Deloitte Canada’s latest economic outlook, released Tuesday ahead of the federal budget, says tight monetary policy is set to constrict economic growth this year. But research suggests the recession won’t be as deep as previously expected, thanks to resilient labor markets, which keep incomes strong. →
by Marzio Pelù
TORONTO – L’economia canadese affronterà un rallentamento “più pronunciato di quanto si pensasse”, ma sarà comunque “lieve e di breve durata” rispetto alle precedenti recessioni, secondo le ultime previsioni contenute in un rapporto – pubblicato ieri – di Deloitte, la società di consulenza e servizi finanziari… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
by Marzio Pelù
TORONTO – The Canadian economy will face a “more pronounced than previously thought” recession, but it will still be “mild and short-lived” compared to previous slowdowns, according to the latest forecasts contained in a report released today by Deloitte, the company of advisory and financial services. →