TORONTO – They had just said it yesterday and so it is: Ontario has arrived in the fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, as today’s data confirm. 513 new cases in one day. A number that exceeds, for the first time since mid-June, the 500 daily infections, and which marks a daily increase compared to Wednesday, when 324 reports were recorded (321 on Tuesday, 325 on Monday and 423 on Sunday). In any case, more than double the 213 cases reported a week ago. Only on June 13, a higher number was registered than today: 530 cases. The seven-day average is now 375, up sharply from 332 a day ago and 198 a week ago. →
TORONTO – Il pressing dell’Ontario Medical Association (OMA) e della Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) si fa sempre più insistente. Le due associazioni non si fermano davanti al muro opposto dal premier Doug Ford e chiedono che tutti gli operatori sanitari della provincia vengano completamente vaccinati contro il Covid-19… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
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TORONTO – The pressure of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) is becoming more and more insistent. The two associations do not stop in front of the wall opposed by Prime Minister Doug Ford and ask that all health workers in the province be completely vaccinated against Covid-19. →
TORONTO – Adesso a far paura è la variante Delta. Nelle comunità così come nelle case di riposo e di cura a lunga degenza. E proprio questo ceppo – che è oltre due volte più trasmissibile delle prime forme del virus – è responsabile di un focolaio di Covid-19 scoppiato a The Village of Tansley Woods di Burlington. Fino a ieri i casi attivi tra i residenti erano 16 mentre tra il personale c’era solo un contagio. Il 28 giugno, giorno in cui l’Halton Public Health, ha indicato la presenza dell’epidemia per la prima volta, i casi erano tre. →
TORONTO – Now it’s the Delta variant that’s scary. In communities as well as in nursing and long-term care homes. And it is precisely this strain – which is more than twice as transmissible as the first forms of the virus – that is responsible for an outbreak of Covid-19 that broke out at The Village of Tansley Woods in Burlington. Until today there were 16 active cases among the residents while among the staff there was only one infection. When the outbreak began, there were just three confirmed cases. →